Performance Services
from $ 150
Transmission Installs
Radar Systems
Wheels / Tires
Performance Parts
Track Suspension
Engine Swaps / installs
Performance Exhaust
Starting At $ 150
Ceramic Coatings
Paint Corrections
Interior Steam Cleaning
Wet Sanding
UV Protectants
Normal Wash
Paint Protection Film
Starting At $799
Scratch and Stain Resistance: PPF provides a strong protective layer that guards against scratches, scuffs, and minor abrasions.
PPF shields the car's paint from damage due to chemical stains and corrosion from bird droppings, bug splatter, acid rain, and air pollutants.
PPF often adds a beautiful gloss to the car's exterior, enhancing the paint's appearance.
While the initial investment may seem high, it can be cost-effective in the long run by reducing the need for expensive paint repairs.
5533 NC-42 Unit E-10, Garner, NC 27529


Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1 pm
Sunday Closed